Welcome to Our Wedding!
Our Ceremony
Our Reception
Our Gift Registry
Accommodations for our Guests
Welcome family and friends and thanks for being a part of our wedding! We hope that you find the information in this website helpful. Since we are both working in the world of information technology, you will notice that we have decided to facilitate many parts of our wedding process in a digital and technologically efficient manner. Please don’t take this as an impersonal way of doing things; we do have a real live person to talk to if you prefer—you can call the TODDFATHER, a name that Todd, Brent’s brother got somehow during the wedding planning process and it just stuck…! (a play on the word, Godfather, a Mexican wedding concept.)

If you have any questions, please send us an e-mail at wedding@sagissor.com or give Todd Sagissor a call at
(713) 334-1315.


Most of you may be wondering how we met? Well, we attended the same church for the last 5 years; however we didn't really talk to each other much. Then on December 18, 2004, Alejandra went to a salsa dancing party at Brent & Todd's house. There, and for the first time, we talked about our lives, dreams, and goals and it was then that we both realized that we had so many similar interests. A few days later, Brent invited Alejandra to have dinner (via email ;) in order to get to know each other better... and a wonderful friendship started.  

Just a few weeks later, the friendship turned into a long distance dating relationship (Brent being in Iraq and Alejandra in Houston). With Brent having absolutely no social life in Iraq, we ended up talking for hours on the phone, web cameras, Instant Messenger, and e-mails. We ended up covering a lot of questions and getting to know each other probably much more than we would have if we would have been together in one city and went through a “normal” dating process. From there, the relationship continued and even though Brent was away, he would find ways to romance Alejandra with numerous gifts, flowers, and love letters that would ‘magically’ show up at her home or office.  

Building a stronger relationship through July and August 2005, Brent organized a complex fairy tale story/play for Alejandra with beautiful gifts and love letters that told a story about the love of a Princess and a Prince. Then on August 29, 2005, while the Princess Alejandrita was in Wyoming visiting Brent’s family (and having her family ‘mysteriously’ show up), Brent proposed to Alejandra to conclude the fairytale in dramatic fashion! (If you are a woman, ask for the full version of the story, you won’t want to miss it… if you are a guy—hope that your girl doesn’t hear this one…or you’ll be in big trouble…)

"Faith, hope and love remain forever these three; and the greatest of these is love."
Paul's First Letter to the Corinthians
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